Econundrum: Visualizing the Climate Impact of Dietary Choice through a Shared Data Sculpture

The authors created the Econundrum, a shared physical data sculpture, to display carbon emissions from the food choices of small communities. It helps people (i) understand the climate impact of different foods, (ii) reflect on their own food choices' environmental impact, and (iii) discuss the relationship between climate impact and food consumption with others. The study shows that shared physical data sculptures enhance environmental awareness and promote sustainability by encouraging social interaction.

The author discusses how the installation "Econundrum" has changed people's lifestyles and environmental awareness, and therefore includes the following principles:
•Improving vs. fundamentally changing lifestyles.
•Persuasive Technology
•Ambient Awareness


1. The device is interesting, but the paper lacks critical analysis, using only data that supports the topic. The paper does not explore the impact of the device on people and the environment, such as whether the method of comparison inspires rebelliousness or causes the device to fail with too many users.

2. The project taught our group a profound lesson: technology can't solve everything. HCI should gather more detailed user feedback, including dialectical thinking, to avoid becoming self-referential and to receive more useful feedback when findings are implemented in real life.
